Successful Together- the journey to masterful obedience
4th revised edition
For many years now, Peter Scherk and Dr. Florian Knabl are well known names in IGP dogsport. They have spent half a life time with their dogs at clubs and trials.
Half a life time deepening and improving their work, looking into problems and finding so loutions.
The reward: 3x single World Champion, 12x Team World Champions and 14x participation at World championships.
In addition to this, lots of placements on the podiums as well as countless titles at national and international level for both Peter and Florian and the entire Team Heuwinkl!
For many years now, they have been giving seminars around the world. Passing on their knowledge, ideas and solving problems. Since the first edition of Successful Together (2015) dogsport has developed and we in Heuwinkl have contributed enormously in this development.
Stagnation in training methodology and the development of the exercises is not our thing, nor are we satisfied with what has been achieved. Because of this, and the many questions and suggestions from our readers and seminar participants since the first addition, has led us to summarize all updates and additions in one volume .
The marking of the correct moment and variable forms of rewarding create a concentrated learning environment for the dog. The use of corrections (for example the whip) are almost superfluous because of the particular positive, motivating rewarding of the correct behavior. This new approach changes the structure of the exercises Sit, Down and Stand decisively. Due to the backward orientation Down and Stand are given more stability and depth.
The complicated execution of the left angle is derived from a precisely depicted movement.
The demanding left about turn has been explained in a detailed step by step sequence.
Adaptions with removing the hand whilst heeling, a new idea for jumping over the A Frame that is gentle on the dogs joints and a new approach for collecting the two toys for the retrieve which is a great help for many dog handlers.
The basis for successful training is emotion and motivation so fun and enthusiasm! This is the reason why we use barking as a stimulant and to let off steam. We have been doing this for quite a while and can highly recommend it. Our training ideas are successful not without reason, but are based on the findings of learning psychology. Much of dog training remains imperfect because it lacks knowledge about the processes in the brain. We have closed this gap with a paragraph about learning psychology- a real know how for every day training.
Start off the new sports year 2021/2022 with the revised book of Successful Together - The journey to masterful obedience and at the same time raise your standard. If you order now , you will be laying the foundation for your success in 2021/2022
All exercises explained in detail with a variety of pictures and graphics. All exercises summarized “At a Glance“.
Text on the book's spine:
More than 25 years experience in IGP – dog sports. More than 25 years of raising criteria in design/performance and further development of the IGP dog sport. More than 25 years on winner‘s rostrums/the podiums all over the world. Worldwide no other dog sport club has ever collected more titles. This is what our name represents: Heuwinkl.
South of the Lake Starnberg in the upper bavarian municipality of Iffeldorf we work out new trainingmethods and bring them to perfection. Peter Scherk and Dr. Florian Knabl are pioneers and members/initiators of the Heuwinkl-group. Behind these successful men is an exceptionally wise woman: Connie Scherk, who adds heart and warmth to the precision and passion.
In their book Peter Scherk and Dr. Florian Knabl impart a detailed build-up of all IGP obedience exercises. They show us the path from a puppy to the final result, through descriptions and pictures with step by step instructions focusing on the keys needed for success: fun and excitement, motivation and fairness, diligence and patience, precision, planning and control.
If you have no interest in dog sports, and only want to work on a reliable SIT or a fast DOWN, you will equally benefit from the authors‘ experience. You will learn how you and your dog can be harmony and be successful together. The reward is not a championship title, but a steadfast connection between dog and human, enjoying the work together. Through this, you will develop a mutual trust and pride in your joint success step by step.
Successful Together- Details
- Subject IGP obedience
- Step by step instuctions for each excercise.
- Explanations from puppy age up to trial preparation
- Illustrated with lots of pictures